Thursday, December 1, 2016

25 Days of Cocktails | Day 1: Spiced Bay-Berry

My neighbor was nice enough to introduce me to this coconut concoction. Normally, I don't gravitate to a spice rum, but the coconut made this so smooth and well worth the effort of putting this drink together.

I soaked a few fresh strawberries in a cup of Disaronno. After a day or two, I strained the liquid and used the scented infusion for this drink.

Here is my, Spiced Bay Berry

1 1/2 oz Blue Chair Bay Spiced Coconut Rum
1 1/2 oz Disaronno infused with strawberries
3 oz of fresh pressed lemonade

Shake and strain into your favorite glass. Garnish as you wish. I always have limes.

Always use fresh ingredients and don't be afraid to use what you have on-hand!


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